Monday, September 22, 2008

Are we a country of advisors?

Yes!!!! We Indians like to dole out free advice. Whether we are an authority or not we like to give advice.
Fever - You have fever try turmeric mixed in milk (Yuck!!!, why not just take poison instead).
Sachin - that ball needed a square cut and not a pull (thanks so much dude, on my own I managed to set only 5 records but now I can do so much more...)
Want to reduce fat - drink water in the morning before brushing teeth (yuck again!!)
Pimples - Use your piss or cow's piss on your face (No thank you, but if you want I can piss on your face. Gladly)

Some people might argue that it is human nature to give advice. I say bull shit; it is an out and out Indian trait. We are experts at everything in this world except at minding our own business. We should have a patent on "free advising" and if someone is found trying to dole out free advice we should charge them royalty.

My advice for all those who get free advice - don't take any.

1 comment:

Gypsy Girl said...

Hey... me agree... I know you don't dole out advice until how come this doesn't apply when it comes to me?