- The furniture is antique (read old and crumbling) and they are scared that students might take some with them and sell them on ebay.
- Management wants to catch the students cheating.
- They received complaints that students sleep in back benches and to discourage them the cameras were installed.
- They received complaints from students that professors sleep (you wish) in the class instead of teaching and this is their way of keeping a tab on the teachers.
- The management is voyeuristic and wants to catch the students in the act, if you know what I mean. Interesting idea, the clips can be sold on you tube.
- Somebody in management got a sweet deal (read below the table) from the security company.
- The management was inspired by big boss and decided to let the students know who is the BIG BOSS.
if they installed for all of the above reasons why put in the warning sign?
Sadly, there were no cameras in the bathrooms.
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