Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boy scouts from Airtel

I "love" customer service call centres, esp the ones belonging to telecom companies. Interacting with them is a complete contrast to the 'no signal' reception one gets on their mobile phones. These guys/gals provide a lot of reception, mostly funny. Here is one of them:

Me: - Hi, I'd like to deactivate my airtel number.
CC Guy:- Sure Sir, I will deactivate it within 24 hours.
Me:- Gee, thanks. How will I know the number is disconnected?
CC Guy:- We will send you an sms on your airtel number confirming the deactivation.
Ta na na na nana nana na na nana nana nana nana nana na......Airtel tune.

1 comment:

Gypsy Girl said...

Don't the namoonas always find you?! :)