Friday, October 31, 2008

Gambhir vs. Watson

The issue between Gautam Gambhir and Shane Watson has become quite 'gambhir'. Couldn't resist the bad pun. But, on a 'gambhir' note (there I go again), the discrimination against all players non-white still continues. Gautam was at fault for hitting Shane during his running between the wicket (watch news channels or read news papersfor more details, this blog is not times) but Shane did provoke Gautam verbally and to add fuel to the fire did not budge from his running line. So it was but obvious that Gautam run into him, albeit purposely. Well, if you are standing in the line of a running player be prepared to get nicked. However, ICC did not see it that way and penalized Gautam by bannning him for a test and levying a fine of 10% match fee on Shane. Now that is discrimination. Verbal assault is as painful as a physical assault and a provoker should also be held equally responsible. Ok, his punishment should have been a little less severe than Gautam but 10% fine is nothing, plain peanuts. He should have been fined 100% match fees. That would have been a warning to him and others that provoking will not be tolerated.
Kudos to Gautam for standing up to Shane. A double ton and a nick which cost only one match - totally worth it.

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